Each certification is the result of following strict national and international protocols.
Since the beginning, Italpiume has always committed to respect animals, ensuring supply chain transparency and traceability. We aim to improve the living conditions of animals through a responsible supply chain.
Therefore, all our products follow national and international quality standards, as proofed by all the certifications earned over the years.

The Responsible Down Standard is an independent, voluntary global standard, which aims to ensure that down and feathers come from animals that have not been subjected to an unnecessary harm, enabling them to live healthy lives, express innate behaviors, and not suffer from pain, fear or distress.
As a voluntary standard, companies can choose to certify their products to the RDS, even if there is no legislation requiring them to do so. Italpiume in its commitment to have a responsible supply chain adhere to this standard that prohibits the use of material that comes from animals that have been subjected to live plucking and force-feeding.

Italpiume is a member of EDFA (European Down and Feather Association) and is committed to protecting the interests of animals and consumers, applying a registered traceability system and respecting a code of conduct that prohibits the purchasing and processing of down and feathers obtained either against the law or from abused animals.
From the introduction of this system, the suppliers must certify the materials only come from food industry where plucking occurs after slaughter or obtained during the biological phenomenon of the moult (ecdisi).
Our products are made with down and feathers that do not come from live animals.
Via Salaria, 14/16
02115 Cittaducale
Tel. 0746/606970
Fax 0746/606126

Once the processing cycle has been completed, the plumages are periodically analyzed by IDFL institute (International Down and Feather Laboratory & Institute), an international independent organization headquarted in Salt Lake City (USA) that determines full compliance of the product.

The Global Recycled Standard (GRS), certifies products obtained from recycled materials and manufacturing activities. This standard is promoted by Textile Exchange, one of the most important non-profit organizations that internationally promote responsible and sustainable development in the textile sector.
Italpiume recognize the importance of recycling for the growth of a model of sustainable production and consumption and aims to reduce the resource consumption (water, energy and raw materials) and increase consumption (virgin raw materials, water and energy).
The GRS provides for the issue of a third party verified environmental statement which proves both the content of recycled materials of their products (both intermediate and finished) and the compliance with environmental and social criteria in all of the production chain.

The brand NOMITE identify that bedding products with down and feather filling are suitable for people who suffer from allergy to domestic dust, as the thermal and climatic properties (rapid development of heat during sleep, rapid release of humidity during the ventilation phase) that are favorable to human being, create a very unfavorable habitat for dust mites which are dependent on humidity instead.
The dense fabric down proof construction, also offers extra protection against mites, which are not able to penetrate it.
Therefore, even for those who suffer from asthma or allergies to domestic dust there is no reason to give up the natural comfort that offer pillows and quilts with down and feather padding.